ADHD haven for women. What is the adhd haven for women? Females adhd groups

Our dream is to alleviate the pressures and struggles that women with ADHD are unnecessarily forced to face, by:

Supporting women with ADHD

Educating women with ADHD, on how their brains work

Providing a platform for connecting with like-minded women

Raising awareness of ADHD and the significant differences between the sexes

Shouting in the right direction until our (collective) voice is heard

We want every woman with ADHD to have the freedom of unapologetically living their very best lives. To achieve that, we need a well informed society who will understand, respect, appreciate, celebrate and support women with ADHD.

Educating women with ADHD - understanding female adults with attention deficit disorder

What is the golden key for women with ADHD, living their best lives? Well, we can assure you that it doesn’t lie within working against or trying to fix ADHD. It mostly lies within their understanding of their ADHD, accepting and respecting it, and their willingness to collaborate with it.

It’s essential to gain an understanding of what’s happening behind the scenes (the science behind ADHD brains). This invaluable knowledge significantly increases the ability to strategically plan your life around ADHD and use it to your advantage.

ADHD can be an almighty weapon. But, like any powerful arsenal, if the person yielding it hasn’t had sufficient training, then the outcome can be catastrophic.

Learn to love the pros, navigate around the cons and use it to your advantage as your trusted life weapon!

Bringing women with ADHD together. Connecting adult females with attention deficit disorder

Most people take for granted the value of strong, healthy and supportive relationships. It’s easily done when you are relatable to the vast majority of people and prospects are in abundance. We don’t take it for granted - not one little bit!

Humans thrive on social interactions and connections, and people with ADHD are often on the extreme end of that scale. Craving deep, meaningful, connections with others, we need love, understanding, validating, acceptance and appreciation for who we truly are. But, we know the unfortunate truth of how difficult that can be for women with ADHD to achieve.

This is the very reason that The ADHD Haven for Women was created. Connecting with relatable women makes light work of forming the depth of friendships that we crave. Providing support, encouragement, understanding, laughter and an abundance of genius ideas; our groups enhance the lives of women with ADHD.

Raising awareness - women with ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, struggles for females and removing the stigma

We firmly believe that some of the biggest issues that women with ADHD face are out of their control. The main ones to note being:

  • A lack of understanding - both within society, but more worryingly, within our country’s core institutions

  • The resistance to formally acknowledge the significant role gender plays in this condition

  • Damaging misconceptions, stereotyping and stigma

  • Systemic and social ableism and oppression - ADHD based

  • Systemic and social ableism and oppression - Gender based

We are always on the hunt for opportunities to raise awareness and diminish harmful opinions that still exists around ADHD. And we’ve recently started to work on our next phase of this which focuses on providing educational online courses. However, we will always gratefully consider any opportunities to raise awareness. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any ideas for raising awareness or would like more information on what services or assistance we’re able to provide.


Finding Your Tribe from the Comfort of Your Own Home

What could be better than having an ADHD life coach?…

The answer is; multiple natural life coaches, all brainstorming collectively with understanding and non-judgemental love and kindness.

We run online courses that bring relatable women together to create small, intimate tribes. Full of huge hearts, incredible brains and unique skills, what could be more beneficial for women with ADHD than this?

Women’s ADHD Retreats

What can be better than having a few nights away from it all whilst connecting with other women with ADHD?

We’re currently creating retreats to take place in different locations across the UK!

We’ve had lots of ladies ask for this, so they will likely be in high demand and as they will have limited spaces, you’ll need to be sure not to miss out by adding yourself to our mailing list…

Intimate ADHD Support Sessions

It’s important to maintain an open-door policy for tribes and individuals to have access to support whenever needed.

Our Intimate ADHD Support Sessions are a more informal approach to providing basic support to our past and present tribe participants.

With far less structure than our tribe course, participants can chat freely and bring their own topics to the table.


 The information within this website is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. If you have any health concerns and / or you suspect that you may have ADHD, it is essential that you seek professional medical advice as soon as possible, in order to receive the appropriate medical care.