12 Week Tribe Course - £399 (Currently unavailable. Please add yourself to the waiting list using the form below)
Our 12 week course is a great opportunity to become part of a small and intimate tribe of women with ADHD (between 8 & 10). All sessions are conducted at the same time each week via online video calls, from the comfort of your own home!
You will gain your very own ‘accountability buddy’ who should be there to support and encourage you and in return you will be providing the very same to them. You will also gain a supportive friendship group, where you’ll all be encouraged to help and support each other and finally feel a part of a group where you can be your true self.
Here is a layout of the weekly sessions:
Week 1 - the group coach will have a 1-1 session with each person, which will last between 60 - 90 minutes*
Week 2 - after the individual sessions have taken place, each person will be buddied up with another from the group. The buddies will be introduced and go on to conduct a guided, private buddy session together during week 2.
Week 3 to 12 - In the third week the whole group will be brought together for the first of 10 group sessions, which will all be held at the same time each week and will each last around 90 minutes.(Although, we’re happy to keep it open for anyone who wants to carry on chatting after!)
What to expect during this 12 week process:
Each person will be working on strengthening the relationship with their buddy. The buddy part of this process is the top priority as each person will be responsible for supporting and encouraging their buddy on a more personal (and individual) level. Therefore, regular buddy communication between sessions is absolutely necessary to ensure this.
The group should become more bonded as the process continues and by the end, everyone should feel comfortable within the group and have made some great friends for life!
There will likely be tasks set between some sessions, so, you’ll need to be prepared for the possibility of a little homework.
The group will be guided and advised on ways to maintain their tribe going forward. We want each person to leave this process feeling well supported and knowing they have a friendship group that they can turn to. For this to continue, regular contact going forward will be essential and will be each person’s responsibility to maintain.
Everyone will be provided with guidance, templates and tips for their own personal use as well as to assist with the future running of the tribe.
Raw emotion. It’s not uncommon for participants to become a little upset or overwhelmed at times. Finally finding a safe place to share can often be the opportunity that any pent up emotions have been waiting for. For the vast majority, the difficult moments are more of a release and can actually be quite cathartic, but your coach and your new tribe are there to support you.
You’re likely to hear stories from other women that tug on your heartstrings, or that bear likenesses to painful experiences of your own that provoke emotion. Again, this is usually an overall positive experience that can make you realise you’re not alone and give you the opportunity to use your own painful experiences to help another.
These sessions can indeed have some emotionally challenging moments. But, they tend to pale into insignificance against the laughter, humour, warmth, love and encouragement that is experienced.
As the main objective is to create tight-knit friendship groups, please understand that ongoing commitment will be required by each person. That being said, it is not necessary for weekly sessions to continue after the 12 weeks, or for each person to attend every week if the group does decide to continue with weekly sessions. Everyone’s preferences for ongoing contact will be discussed and the group will make a decision on this together.
For most of our courses, weekly sessions are held during the day Monday to Friday. We do offer some evening courses, however there is usually a lengthy waiting list for these and they are subject to an additional charge of £60 (for the 12 week tribe course).
*These sessions will be automatically allocated, therefore, flexibility will be required. If there are any days / times that you’re unable to do, please inform us as soon as possible.
Please complete the form below to be added to our waiting list and someone will be in touch ASAP
Just My Tribe - £229 (Currently unavailable. Please add yourself to the waiting list using the form below)
Shorter and much more laid back than our 12 week online tribe course; our brand new Just My Tribe course aims to simply provide you with your very own tribe. Introducing a small, intimate group of women, over a 6 week period we focus on strengthening and nurturing the relationships within, promoting a safe, harmonious and supportive friendship group.
All sessions are conducted at the same time each week via online video calls, and from the comfort of your own home.
What to expect:
Each session is an hour long and will be guided by a life coach. However, once the hour is up, your coach will happily keep the session open for anyone who wants to continue the conversation.
Before the first group session commences, each person will have a 1-1 session with their coach which will last around 30 minutes. The purpose of this session is to allow you and your coach to get to know each other and to make you feel as comfortable as possible before joining the first group session.*
Fun and free rein! Although a coach will be conducting the sessions each week, their purpose is only to ensure safe, free-flowing conversations and to make sure that everyone is given opportunity to talk. Sure, they may also provide some advice and guidance too at times, but unless the conversation has taken an inappropriate turn or has reached a point that may cause some upset to others (or seems to be heading that way), you’ll be free to discuss whatever your heart desires.
Raw emotion. It’s not uncommon for participants to become a little upset or overwhelmed at times. Finally finding a safe place to share can often be the opportunity that any pent up emotions have been waiting for. For the vast majority, the difficult moments are more of a release and can actually be quite cathartic, but your coach and your new tribe are there to support you.
You’re likely to hear stories from other women that tug on your heartstrings, or that bear likenesses to painful experiences of your own that provoke emotion. Again, this is usually an overall positive experience that can make you realise you’re not alone and give you the opportunity to use your own painful experiences to help another.
These sessions can indeed have some emotionally challenging moments. But, they tend to pale into insignificance against the laughter, humour, warmth, love and encouragement that is experienced.
Over the 6 weeks, the group will become more and more bonded and you’ll hopefully end up with some great friends for life.
Continued contact. No, not with us (although we would always love to hear from you), we mean with your wonderful new tribe! We understand - probably better than most - how demanding life can be, especially for a woman with ADHD. But, the benefits of maintaining regular communication, by far outweigh what little amount of time you may lose in doing it. You can all work together as a team to decide what that communication ‘looks’ like, how regular it is, and set some reasonable expectations / boundaries that everyone is comfortable with.
As the main objective is to create tight-knit friendship groups, please understand that ongoing commitment will be required by each person. As much as you’re doing this for yourself; the extent of what you gain from it will rely heavily on the commitment and level of input from each of your tribe members. This is a two-way street - they need you as much as you need them, so being present and on-time to each session is incredibly important.
For most of our courses, weekly sessions are held during the day Monday to Friday. We do offer some evening courses, however there is usually a lengthy wait for these and they are subject to an additional charge of £35 (for the Just My Tribe course).
*These sessions will be automatically allocated, therefore, flexibility will be required. If there are any days / times that you’re unable to do, please inform us as soon as possible.
Please complete the form below to be added to our waiting list and someone will be in touch ASAP
Intimate ADHD Support Sessions (Currently unavailable. Please add yourself to the waiting list using the form below)
We hold regular Intimate ADHD Support Sessions, open to all current and past tribe members as a way to continue offering support to tribes and individuals, whenever they may need it.
These sessions have a little structure, but are far more casual than the sessions within our 12 week course, giving participants the ability to chat more freely and bring their own topics to the table.
These sessions are great for:
Meeting more women with ADHD
Receiving fresh ideas / perspectives on personal situations
Obtaining ideas and advice on ways to enhance your tribe
Guidance on dealing with any difficulties that your tribe - or an individual within it - may be experiencing
When the frequency of the sessions with your tribe doesn’t quite ‘quench your thirst’ and you just want more of it
Looking for new buddies / tribe members, to replace individuals who have dropped out of your tribe
Each session is limited to 10 individuals and the frequency is currently determined by demand. Booking a slot for one of these is strictly on a ‘first come, first served’ basis and is open to everyone who has previously attended one of our courses.
Just fill the form in below and we’ll get back to you with our current availability.
Retreats for Women with ADHD - Details TBC
We are excited to announce that we’re currently working on providing retreats in varied locations across the country, which will be solely for women with ADHD (diagnosed or suspected).
There will be two different formats for these:
ADHD Tribe Retreat - this will be similar to the 12 week course, where the main objective is to create a tight-knit group, armed with advice and guidance to maintain it and support one another going forward. But, rather than it taking place over a 12 week period, it will be condensed into 3 - 4 days.
ADHD Connection Retreat - this will be a much more laid back experience (more similar to our Just My Tribe course), where you can connect with others in your own way and just simply enjoy being in a safe space where you’re completely free to be yourself.
Lots of ladies have been asking for these and we think spaces are likely to sell out very quickly. Be sure to register your interest using the form below, to avoid missing out on the opportunity!
If there is something else you’re looking for, or you have any ideas or feedback for us, we’d love to hear from you!
The information within this website is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. If you have any health concerns and / or you suspect that you may have ADHD, it is essential that you seek professional medical advice as soon as possible, in order to receive the appropriate medical care.